As scientists, we are naturally curious. We aim to understand our research field, try to find the big answers to our research question and shed light on the tiny but complex details of our object of interest.
But being a Sunny Scientist means that you are also curious about other fields, topics and questions. You want to make sense of the whole world around you. And you see the beauty of the complexity in other fields. You always keep growing and learning.
Why read science books?
To learn about other topics, you are probably not going to read research papers on completely unrelated research fields. Trying to understand the jargon and highly specific terms will only give you a headache.
Instead, popular science books are great options since these break down scientific concepts for audiences not familiar with the field. The authors of these science books are usually researchers with experience in science communication and science writing. They know how to explain their research topics in accessible and engaging ways.
So, why not dive into an unknown world and learn about another scientific topic that is unrelated to your own research?
By reading popular science books about a completely different research field, you are learning while resting. You give your research brain a break, so it can relax while other parts of your brain are still active and continue learning.
Leisure reading reduces stress as found in several research studies. And while reading for happiness, you might as well learn something new, grow as a person and acquire new skills and knowledge.
Lastly, by learning about other topics, you may be able to see similar connections with your own research field. Maybe some associations work similarly or an object can have a similar function in your field.
You never know where great research ideas come from. Hence, reading popular science books to learn about our world lets you stay open-minded and creative.

Popular science books for adults
The science books below are based on my own interest. When I left academia, I felt I finally had time (and energy!) to learn about all the other interesting topics in this world. So, here I share with you those popular science books that I found really engaging and that explain scientific concepts visually and adequately.
Popular microbiology books to understand the microscopic world
As a microbiologist myself, I obviously always love learning about the microbial world. Microbes shape our bodies and minds as well as nature in such amazing and fascinating ways. I’m still in awe of their superpowers. They impacted our human history and shaped whole cultures and landscapes. Learn about how microbes influence your body, your food and everything around you from the books.
- Deadly Companions: How Microbes Shaped our History by Dorothy Crawford
Popular physics books to understand everything around you
Understanding the world, to me, also means understanding everything around us. This includes all the different kinds of matter, forces, energy and time… Popular physics books are certainly not for everyone, but they definitely opened my eyes about how to see EVERYTHING around me.
- Time: 10 Things You Should Know by Colin Stuart
- 10 Things You Should Know About Space by Becky Smethurst
- The Smallest Lights in the Universe by Sara Seager
Popular sustainability books to save our planet
Our planet is more in distress than ever and it is completely up to us to protect it. But to do so, we need to better understand how our planet, nature, ecology and the whole environment work and are interconnected. Learn in these popular books on sustainability topics what you can do to keep our planet safe and healthy.
- Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet by Owen Gaffney
Popular neurophysiology books to understand how your mind works
I have always been fascinated by how our brain works and how we actually think. The following books explain brain function, what intelligence really is and how to leverage it and how we can change the way we think.
- Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett
- A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence by Jeff Hawkins
- Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know by Adam Grant
- The Case Against Reality: How Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes by Donald Hoffman
Popular psychology books to understand your behaviour
The following psychology books are very similar to the above section, however, they focus more on how we interact with others. With these books, you will better understand your emotions, their functions and how to communicate more efficiently. Based on this knowledge, I learned how to improve my behaviour and treat myself and others with more respect, empathy and consideration.
- How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett
- The Book of Human Emotions: An Encyclopedia of Feeling from Anger to Wanderlust by Tiffany Watt Smith
- Psychology of Communication by Jessica Röhner
- The Psychology of Language and Communication by Geoffrey Beattie & Andrew Ellis
Which science book will you read next?
Here you have a list of popular science books to help you make sense of the world and understand its great beauty a little better. I will update this list when I come across another fascinating science book that I find suitable for the Sunny Scientist.
So, keep an eye on this post or subscribe to our newsletter to get the news right in your inbox.
What was the last popular science book you read and from which you learned something about how our world works? Feel free to share it in the comment section below or send us an email.
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