A scientific career is as sunny as you make it

Advancing the scientific field by empowering scientists

Scientists have a huge responsibility within our society. That's why they need better tools so they can always be at their best.

Welcome to the Sunny Scientist

Sarah Wettstadt - founder of the Sunny Scientist blog as well as the science writing business MicroComms, the science communication coaching business SciComm Society and the microbiology blog BacterialWorld.

Hi, I’m Sarah – previously a lab-based scientist. I am convinced that if the scientific field was less stressful and more supportive, I and many others might have decided to stay and climb up the scientific career ladder.

But we cannot miss out on these talented scientists. That’s why the Sunny Scientist aims to support you to make your scientific lives sunnier. Because we need you at your best in the lab.

Seeing the sun at the end of the scientific tunnel

To empower you in your scientific career, you will need a holistic approach that works for you. The Sunny Scientist blog introduces you to different life hacks to make you lab day lighter, you career more straight-forward and to improve your overall well-being.

You choose what to apply and how far to go.

Become a sunny scientist by relaxing your mind

The scientific environment can be incredibly stressful and overwhelming. One way to relax your mind is by practicing meditation.

Sign up to the Sunny Scientist Newsletter for a free meditation to learn to focus on what really matters.

Are you a Sunny Scientist?

Being a Sunny Scientist probably means something completely different to you than what it means to me. And I am super curious to hear your understanding of this term. So, if you want to talk about this project or you have any feedback or ideas for it, please feel free to reach out.