Organize Your Thoughts with the Sunny Intray for Notion: Your Mental Inbox

Are you tired of drowning in a sea of thoughts, ideas, bookmarks, tasks and articles to read? As I know from my own time as a scientist and researcher, our minds are constantly buzzing with innovative ideas for grant applications, experiments or collaboration ideas.

It’s time to bring order to your chaos and boost your productivity! Introducing the free Sunny Intray for Notion template inspired by the Getting Things Done principle. This template will serve you as a starting point for efficient task management and library archive.

What is an Intray in the Getting Things Done Concept?

As outlined in the book “Getting Things Done” by David Allen, an intray is your mental inbox; a space where you dump all your thoughts, ideas, To-Dos, articles and bookmarks to free your mind and focus on what truly matters. This free template brings this concept to life in a digital format tailored for scientists and researchers.

For many years, I have been organising, storing and managing all my personal and professional projects and tasks with the software Notion. I think it is the most efficient project management tool, which is why I decided to create the Sunny Intray for Notion for scientists and researchers.

How Does the Sunny Intray for Notion Work?

  • Capture Everything: Use the Sunny Intray to quickly jot down your thoughts, ideas and To-Dos and save publications and bookmarks. No more mental clutter – all info stored externally!
  • Categorize Efficiently: Organise your notes into relevant categories. Whether it’s a ground-breaking experiment idea, a research paper to read or a simple task, assign the right category instantly.
  • Prioritize for Success: The Getting Things Done concept emphasizes the importance of prioritization. The Sunny Intray template allows you to tag notes as high, medium or low priority or add them to your archive or waiting lists; ensuring you focus on what truly matters.
  • Effortless Organization: With the Sunny Intray Notion template, you logically structure your thoughts and tasks, making it easier to plan your experiments, analyze data, write your next paper and collaborate with your team.

Key Features of the Sunny Intray Notion Template:

  • Seamless Notion Integration: Use this template within your own Notion dashboard, the ultimate platform for project management, data storage and note-taking.
  • Accessible Across all Devices: Add and sync your intray box across all your dashboards and devices, so you can write down your thoughts anywhere and anytime.
  • Intuitive Interface: Logical and straight-forward set up, ensuring you spend less time organizing and more time doing.
  • Customizable Categories: Tailor the categories to match your own needs, allowing you to organize your notes in a way that makes sense to you.
  • Quick and Simple Setup: Start with the instruction page to learn to use the project management software Notion (affiliate link) and set up your Sunny Intray.

You will also get automatic notifications when I upgrade the template, so you will have always an updated version available.

Ready to Experience the Power of an Intray to elevate Your Research?